Consultanță antreprenorială de business

Entrepreneurial Business Consulting

Our Entrepreneurial Business Consulting services support you in achieving your business objectives and growing your business. We are here to provide you with expertise and resources needed to make the right decisions and develop your business in a competitive environment.

Our team of experienced consultants offers a wide range of services, including:

1. Business strategy planning:

  • Identifying growth opportunities
  • Evaluating competitors and the market
  • Developing strategies to achieve business objectives

2. Financial planning:

  • Evaluating the business’s financial situation
  • Identifying cost-saving opportunities
  • Developing a financial and investment plan

3. Project management:

  • Planning, implementing, and monitoring business projects
  • Identifying risks and developing risk management strategies

4. Skills and competency development:

  • Evaluating staff skills and competencies
  • Developing training and development programs

Each consulting service is customized and tailored to the specific needs and objectives of each client. We work closely with our clients to understand their needs and to develop customized solutions that help their businesses achieve desired success.

Our team of consultants has vast experience in all aspects of entrepreneurial business and is prepared to assist any type of business, from startups to larger companies. Regardless of the size or industry in which you operate, we can help you achieve your objectives and grow your business.

If you are looking for Entrepreneurial Business Consulting services, do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to help you achieve your business objectives and grow your business in a competitive environment.

Dragoș Ion

Managing Partner Senior Consultant, Trainer & Coach

Cei peste 22 de ani de experiență profesională includ 20 ani în livrarea de programe de training către middle și top management, din industrii ca retail, financiar-bancar, telecom, auto, pharma, HoReCa, producție, IT.

A susținut peste 300 de ore de executive coaching atât individuale și de grup, precum și sesiuni de consultanță managerială.

A fost implicat în organizarea și coordonarea primei simulări de business din Romania împreună cu renumita școală de afaceri INSEAD, Franța.