A team building concept that integrates a social cause (MagiCAMP – summer camp for children with oncological diseases, SOS Children’s Villages, etc.). Participants are involved in activities beneficial to the cause and will work to help the NGO accomplish what it needs. The program is built on the profile of each client and taking into account the objectives that he has. Secondary activities may also be included.
Participants will leave with a state of “feeling better & getting better”, being proud of the contribution they make to society.
Detine expertiza in Telemarketing, Customer Support si promovare a programelor de training, coaching, consultanta si evaluare.
De la inceputul colaborarii cu iD learning a stabilit zeci de intalniri cu clienti cheie din piata romaneasca, a initiat si mentinut relatia cu acestia, realizand activitati de ofertare, construire propuneri si follow-up periodic.
A primit feedback-uri exceptionale din partea clientilor pe care i-a abordat si cu care a stabilit relatii de termen mediu si lung.
Are o experienta de peste 5 ani in psihologie aplicata si contribuie activ la crearea de instrumente de training ce vizeaza deblocarea potentialului uman si aplicarea lui pentru obtinerea performatei in business.
Ca formare este psiholog si psihoterapeut, cu master in Psihoterapie Experientiala.